Thank you for volunteering FOR MADRIGAL DINNER!
Everyone is welcome to join including current choir students and families, non-choir Shasta High School students and families, alumni, and fellow community members. No experience necessary! Looking for people with a positive attitude and ready to learn.
Committee descriptions are listed below.
Current choir students and families can also earn points for our big choir trip.
Royal Mock Tables
Join us for a “mock” dinner so the servers and hosts can practice their jokes and pretend to serve you! It’s a sit-down volunteer job! Meet other parents and your student’s fellow cast members.
Time commitment: Approximately 2.5 hours. Evenings. Weekday. Email us for the exact dates/time.
Royal Castle and Table Decorating
Come join us in decorating the castle! ALL HANDS ON DECK! We need lots and lots of help to decorate the tables and the castle.
Time commitment: Starts in the early afternoon. Duration depends on the amount of volunteers. Weekend/Weekday. Email us for the exact dates/time.
Castle Table Setting
Every afternoon we need a crew to set the 7 tables at the castle. Grab some friends and make it a party!
Time commitment: Starts in the early afternoon. Duration depends on the amount of volunteers. Approximately 3.5 hours at the most. Weekday/Weekend. Email us for exact dates/time.
Royal Hair Braiding
Know how to french braid? We need you! Can’t make it at the start time? That’s okay. Come when you can - just let us know in advance when you will arrive.
Time commitment: Approximately 2 hours. Starts late afternoon. Weekday/Weekend. Email us for the exact dates/time.
Royal Dishwashing
Dishwashing is where the real fun happens behind the scenes at the Madrigal Dinner! If you want to be part of hard working, fun-loving crew, sign up here! Gloves and aprons are provided.
Time commitment: Approximately 3 hours. Evening/Night. Weekday/Weekend. Email us for the exact dates/time.
Castle Large Kitchen
The crew in the Large Kitchen is responsible for receiving the food that comes from the Shasta High School kitchen, making sure it stays warm until it is time to serve it, and then getting it ready on serving platters for each server to take to their table. You’ll be on the front lines with the students, coaching and cheering them on as they do the hard work of serving dinner guests with smiles and jokes.
Time commitment: Approximately 3.5 hours. Can sign up for one hour shifts. Starts late afternoon. Weekday/Weekend. Email us for the exact dates/time.
Castle Small Kitchen
Join us in the small kitchen, where we get all the goodies on the tables prior to the start of the dinner and where the famous Queen’s Caramel sauce is made from scratch every night! We get to interact with the students as they pick up the soup, coffee and caramel sauce to serve to their guests. You can even listen in on the beautiful music of the dinner from this special location, but the walls are thin, so bring your inside voice.
Time commitment: Approximately 6 hours. Can sign up for 2 hour shifts. Starts late afternoon. Weekday/Weekend. Email for the exact dates/time.
Royal Wassail and Water Station
Fill water pitchers and wrap bottles of Wassail (sparkling apple cider). Be part of the energy in the large kitchen and watch all the servers and table hosts do an amazing job of getting food and drink out to the guests!
Time commitment: Approximately 4 hours. Starts late afternoon. Weekday/Weekend. Email for the exact dates/time.
Royal Timekeeper and Door Attendant
The Door Attendant and Timekeeper help the Royal Pages keep the dinner performance running on schedule. You let the Pages know what time each act of the performance is to take place and alert them if the performance is running late. You are responsible for keeping the door to the kitchen area closed (so guests are not distracted) and opening it for servers to come in and out as needed.
Most importantly, volunteers in this position encourage the servers with helpful words and smiles. Their job can be stressful, so they need all the support we can give them!
Time commitment: Approximately 3.5 hours. Starts in the evening. Weekday/Weekend. Email us for exact dates/time.
Royal Cast Refreshments
Cast Refreshments Table Host responsibilities are easy! The busy time is before the dinner starts as the kids are getting ready and at the end of the evening when you need to clean up the area. In between, you have a chance to visit with other parent volunteers and see cast members in action as they come through the kitchen.
• Fill water coolers at the beginning of the night
• Set out food, plates, napkins, etc for cast and refill as needed. Food is provided. You don’t have to bring it!
• Bring food to Madrigal singers on lower level during the evening
• Clean up the Cast Refreshments area at the end of the night and notify Cast Refreshments chair of any supplies needed
Time commitment: Approximately 4.5 hours. Starts in the evening. Weekend/Weekday.
Royal Costumes
If you have seamstress or tailor skills, our Costume Chair can use your help repairing costumes during the show or prior to the next show. Comfy seating provided!
Time commitment: Approximately 5.5 hours. Can sign up for 2.5 hour late afternoon shift. Or a 3 hour evening shift. Weekday/Weekend. Email us for exact dates/time.
Royal Castle Clean Up
Don’t miss out - help us clean up the castle after performances are over. This is when the FUN happens! While your student is getting out of their costume and picking up dressing rooms, etc., you can be earning DOUBLE POINTS for volunteering on the Clean Up crew!
Time commitment: Approximately one hour. Starts at night. Weekend/Weekday. Email us for exact dates/time.